Top metrics


of cloud
waste reduced


(up to)
spend saved


hours saved


spend allocated
per unit cost

View Snowflake's spend at any granularity

Get 100% accuracy of your Snowflake spend at any cost type, account, region or service with robust Snowflake cost monitoring capabilities.

Monitor- LargeCard
Monitor- SmallCard

Manage & tag Snowflake in Finout’s MegaBill

Manage and track spend of all of your cloud providers and services in one dashboard, with efficient Snowflake cost management, then add tags for environments or teams easily.


Detect Snowflake waste & anomalies

Create customizable dashboards to see what you need without the need for Excel, automatically detect waste, and get recommendations to effectively optimize Snowflake costs.


See spend alongside your usage

Use Finout’s native Datadog application to give your dev teams a live view of their spend with no extra charge from Finout.

Snowflake_Datadog Integration

Finout's Snowflake dashboard in action

Why manage only Snowflake spend? You can
manage (and reduce) them all

Import any custom cost center you need

MongoDB? CircleCI? Akami? Even if Finout doesn’t support a full integration at the moment, you can still see your spend in the MegaBill anytime you want.


Forget about Cost Explorer limits

Using Finout’s AWS integration there are no tagging issues, powerful services granularity, and an entire set of cost optimization layer (CostGuard), helping you reduce spend from day one.


Finally, understand and reduce your Snowflake spent

Don’t treat your Snowflake cost as absolute, break it down to quarry, database, cost type and more to fully understand what you are spending and how to optimize it.


Pod level granularity without adding agent

Breakdown costs by any Kubernetes concepts, including deployment, service, namespace label, and more. See costs on multiple clusters on unify with them external cloud services or infra spend in Finout’s MegaBill.


Manage Datadog spend as any cost center

Visualize Datadog services spend such as Container Monitoring, APM, and Logging into Finout’s MegaBill, identify unused services and reduce cost.


New level for GCP cost management

Using Billing Extra Cost, we add your GCP spend alongside your AWS, Kubernetes, Snowflake and Datadog spend.


Top use cases